There is no way on God's green earth that we elected them to pull off the biggest fraud in this great country's history. Has anyone else been watching this? Has anyone else been hearing what I am hearing? This is ridiculous and a disgrace. All of this crap in this stimulus bill is shameful. Gold courses, Frisbee courses, atv trails and the list goes on and on. All in the name of stimulus for the economy...give me a break. This is why they are banking on their constituents being totally out of touch and idiots that can be taken advantage of.

Only two Senators have actually stood up for the people of this country and those are the Senators from Oklahoma and South Carolina. I heard their debates so don't tell me I don't know what I am talking about. I heard all of the debates. They are the only two that stood up and want to put more money into our pockets and actually do something that makes sense.

Do you know there are actually people that "you" elected that are saying that putting more money into your pockets will not stimulate the economy? Do you know that? Legalized theft is what this is I tell you! I am sorry but the democrats are banking on you being totally oblivious to their intentions. Many of them standing up and saying that cutting taxes (not talking about corporate taxes either) but cutting taxes in order to put money back into the pockets of the people that actually earn it is not a good thing.

What economics class did they attend? No matter what, if I had an extra $200 dollars a month I will either spend it or save it. No matter what this helps the economy in the form of consumption or improving the books of the bank that I saved this money in. We are being taxed to death people, don't you get it? We are being taxed so much that it makes the "tea party" well, seem like a "tea party."

For those that depend on the government for their income will not get it at all and they will comment about how much I do not know what I am talking about. For those that actually pay taxes on income of any sort will agree. Only two senators are actually standing up and fighting for the working class, period. Yes they happen to be republicans but so what. Now we know why democrats don't mind raising taxes and spending, they don't pay their taxes anyway.

More money in the hands of the people of this great nation is the only way to stimulate the economy. Yes their needs something to be done about the housing market and government should step in since it was a fraud perpetrated by the government on the people with Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac. Lowering taxes on you and your neighbor and family and friends is the only way for long term economic growth. Hell I need a bailout. If you are going to truly give us a bailout, don't give me a check, give me a break every week, every other week or every month to pay for groceries, good and services. Don't be the sheep that these politicians are counting on you to be. Demand more of your hard earned money to keep and spend how "YOU" feel it should be spent. You worked hard for your money; don't you think you deserve to keep it? Please tell me you do.


PS: A $15,000 tax cut to those that buy a new car. Hmmmmmm how much of a tax cut is that if you can't afford to buy that new car because you were laid off or fired or are paying so much in taxes? What is $15,000 of nothing? Another point that they are seriously hoping and praying that we (the American public) don't catch on to what they are doing in the name of good faith and caring.